Technology (2082)
Technological sciences > Technology
Biotechnology (11)
Chemical technology (7)
Communication technology (510)
Computer technology (564)
Construction technology (28)
Electrical technology (1)
Energy technology (29)
Environmental technology (15)
Graphic techniques (31)
Industrial technology (10)
Information technology (382)
Instrumentation technology (15)
Laboratory technology (1)
Materials technology (39)
Measurement technology (74)
Medical technology (4)
Military technology (6)
Mining (1)
Nuclear technology (113)
Production technology (10)
Safety technology (6)
Space technology (4)
Telecommunications technology (172)
Transport technology (22)
Future technology (19)
Interface technology (4)
Internet technology (301)
Knowledge technology (2)
Nanotechnology (16)
Quantum technology (24)
Standardisation of technologies (2)
Chemical technology (7)
Communication technology (510)
Computer technology (564)
Construction technology (28)
Electrical technology (1)
Energy technology (29)
Environmental technology (15)
Graphic techniques (31)
Industrial technology (10)
Information technology (382)
Instrumentation technology (15)
Laboratory technology (1)
Materials technology (39)
Measurement technology (74)
Medical technology (4)
Military technology (6)
Mining (1)
Nuclear technology (113)
Production technology (10)
Safety technology (6)
Space technology (4)
Telecommunications technology (172)
Transport technology (22)
Future technology (19)
Interface technology (4)
Internet technology (301)
Knowledge technology (2)
Nanotechnology (16)
Quantum technology (24)
Standardisation of technologies (2)
Blending 'e' In OUM Learning Pedagogy
Ahmed Ansary
14 years ago - 15:27
eFaust; Digitális identitás európai vetületben
Dr. György Csepeli
14 years ago - 33:33
Modifying the E-learning Lecture Environment
Dr. Prof. Yehia A. El-Mashad
Abbas Mohamed Abd Elhamid 14 years ago - 33:18
Abbas Mohamed Abd Elhamid 14 years ago - 33:18
A Never-ending Journey for Higher Education
Prof. Zahner Jane
14 years ago - 18:14
Kihívás: miért, kinek és mikor? (E-learning)
Dr. Ilma Kovács
14 years ago - 24:54
Analysis of Students’ Approach to School Subjects
Ján Záhorec
Dr. Prof. Alena Hašková
PhD. Michal Munk 14 years ago - 18:45
Dr. Prof. Alena Hašková
PhD. Michal Munk 14 years ago - 18:45
Tanulási szokások és elektronikus tananyag
Lenke Tóthné dr. Parázsó
14 years ago - 5:47
Adatforgalom és mobilkommunikáció az Egerfood
Dr. Tibor Radványi
14 years ago - 21:09
Hatékony pedagógia az e-Learning-ben
Gyula Papp
14 years ago - 16:23
eLearning fejlesztések az Új Magyarország
Tamás Könczöl
14 years ago - 25:32
Az interaktív elektronikus földrajzi atlasz
Péter Kereszty
14 years ago - 13:15
Miért éppen a CleverBoard?
Gábor Janik
14 years ago - 14:20