A sziklacsont elülső falán, a nervus petrosus superiorból eredő idegdaganat (Schwannoma) eltávolitása

Jeno Julow MD DSc, St. John’s Hospital Dept of Neurosurgery and SOTE Neurosurgery by generous and help of Japan International Cooperation Agency

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Idegsebészeti videok rezidenseknek , Agydaganatok műtétei

Egészség tudományok, Orvostudomány, Humán orvostudomány, Sebészet, Agy- és idegsebészet

PETROUS SUPERIOR NERVE SCHWANNOMA, facial nerve schwannomas, thickening of the nerve, petrous pyramid, middle ear, superior and inferior petrosal sinuses, petrous apex, otologist, neurosurgeons, surgical techniques, skull base neoplasms, Schwannoma, Meckel's cave, cranial nerve, petrous carotid canal, trigeminal nerve, trigeminal ganglion, middle fossa, lesser petrosal nerves, periarterial sympathetic plexus, posterior carotid genu, neurologic symptoms, ubtotalpetrosectomy, Glasscock triangle, sacrifice of the greater petrosal nerve, a Fisch type B infratemporal fossa approach, conductive hearing, Gadolinium enhanced, T1-weighted, magnetic resonance imaging, enhancing tumor, right carotid canal, surrounding the petrous carotid artery, lacrimal fibres, secremotor pathway, lacrimation, keratitis, cornea, perineural tumor infiltration, schwannoma , acoustic neuroma, neurilemmoma, neurinoma,neurolemmoma, Schwann cell tumor, benign nerve sheath tumor, insulating myelin sheath, covering peripheral nerves, homogeneous tumors, slow growing, mostly benign , genetic disorder, neurofibromatosis, removed surgically, recur, uncommon, benign growth, slow growing, 3 millimeters per year, headaches , increased intracranial pressure, hearing tests, MRI, eradicate the tumor, observation, watchful waiting, every 6 months, surgical approaches, removed, CPA = cerebellopontine angle, CSF = cerebrospinal fluid, CT = computerized tomography, IAC = internal auditory canal, IAM = internal auditory meatus, ICA = internal carotid artery, MR = magnetic resonance, RISA = retrosigmoid intradural suprameatal approach, pterygopalatine ganglion, pterygoid canal , gustatory, taste, parasympathetic fibres, mucosal glands of the nose, mucosal glands of the palate, a mucosal glands of the pharynx, Julow, Jeno Julow , Dr, DSc, med. habil. dr, St. John’s Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Budapest, Hungary,,,, Dr.Julow Jenő Viktor, Szent János Kórház, Szt. János Kórház, neurosurgery, idegsebészet, JICA, video, resident, E-book, St. John Hospital, idegsebészeti osztály, neurosurgical video movies, idegsebészeti video, 脳神経外科, Julow ないジェノサボー オルザグ, 神经外科的视频电影, 住院医师, vídeos de Neurocirugía, enseña a cirugías de cráneo, جراحة الأعصاب وأشرطة الفيديو, يعلم جراحات الجمجمة, Нейрохирургия видео, giải phẫu hộp sọ dạy, ngôn ngữ thiểu số neurosurgical


2012. december 4.

Prof. Jeno Julow

2012. december 4.

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