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Ön a Pro-M Zrt. nyilvános rendszerét kívánja használni.
A 7/2024 MK rendelet alapján a rendszer használatát megfigyelhetik, rögzíthetik, naplózhatják.
A rendszer jogosulatlan használata tilos és büntető- vagy polgári jogi felelősséggel jár.




Ágyéki porckorongsérv eltávolitása  a rést határoló ívek közül a sárga szalag megnyitása után ( flavotomiából)
Jeno Julow MD DSc, St. John’s Hospital Dept of Neurosurgery and SOTE Neurosurgery by generous and help of Japan International Cooperation Agency

több kevesebb

Idegsebészeti videok rezidenseknek , Gerincsebészet

Egészség tudományok, Orvostudomány, Humán orvostudomány, Sebészet, Agy- és idegsebészet

lumbar disc, herniated lumbar disc, disk herniation, lumbar spine, trauma, lumbar discogenic pain syndrome, lumbar disc disease, neurosurgery, herniated nucleus pulposus, orthopedic surgery , contact sports after spinal surgery, lumbar scopic spine surgery , decompression, stabilization of the back, ribs, muscle disorders, back pain, chronic pain, conservative impinge approach, gelatinous material, symptoms, radiating pain, numbness, impinge, exiting nerve root, symptomatic, spinal column, impingement, MRI, CT, dermatomal, single nerve root, exacerbated, coughing, sneezing, chest, belly, osteoporosis, infection, tumor, myelopathy, spinal cord dysfunction, balance, walking, lower extremity weakness, bowel dysfunction, bladder dysfunction, vertebral body, T1 to T12, nucleus, spongy, annulus, ligament rings, healthy discs, strong force, jumping, running, lifting, nerve fibers, anterior spinal artery, degeneration, nucleus may squeeze, damaged annulus, Scheuermann's disease, weakness, paralysis in the legs, pain, pins, needles, numbness, symptoms, X-rays, calcified disc, myelography, nonsurgical treatment, recommend, immobilizing, strict bed rest, prescribed, anti-inflammatory medications, aspirin, ibuprofen, muscle relaxants, spasm, steroids, fusion recommend surgery, discectomy means to remove, cutting, removing, minimally invasive surgery, arthrodesis, screws, cables, rods, rehabilitation, nonsurgical rehabilitation, physical therapist, walking, swimming, can ease pain, improve endurance, electrical stimulation, massage, ultrasound to calm pain, muscle spasm, cartilage, flavotomy, hemiarcotomy, laminotomy, discectomy, opening in the lamina, remove the disc, smaller incision, complications, nerve injury, permanent numbness, dural tear, watertight sack, repaired, spinal fluid leak, antibiotics, discitis, re-herniation, persistent pain, degenerative disc disease, alleviation of pain, urinary symptoms, spinal nerve root, herniated disc, sciatica, lumbar herniated disc symptoms, L5 nerve impingement, weakness in extending the big toe, foot drop, radiate into the buttock, S1 nerve impingement, loss of the ankle reflex, ankle push off, cannot do toe rises, radiate down to the sole, radiate down to the outside of the foot, common nonsurgical treatments, physical therapy, osteopathic manipulations, chiropractic manipulations, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, NSAIDs, oral steroids, prednisone, methyprednisolone, epidural injection, cortisone, microdiscectomy surgery, better healing, microdecompression spine surgery, lumbar spondylosis, internal disc disruption, degenerative disc disease, segmental instability, normal disc, degenerative disc, bulging disc, herniated disc, thinning disc, disc degeneration with osteophyte formation, spondylosis, Julow, Jeno Julow , Dr, DSc, med. habil. dr, St. John’s Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Budapest, Hungary,,,, Dr.Julow Jenő Viktor, Szent János Kórház, Szt. János Kórház, neurosurgery, idegsebészet, JICA, video, resident, E-book, St. John Hospital, idegsebészeti osztály, neurosurgical video movies, idegsebészeti video, 脳神経外科, Julow ないジェノサボー オルザグ, 神经外科的视频电影, 住院医师, vídeos de Neurocirugía, enseña a cirugías de cráneo, جراحة الأعصاب وأشرطة الفيديو, يعلم جراحات الجمجمة, Нейрохирургия видео, giải phẫu hộp sọ dạy, ngôn ngữ thiểu số neurosurgical


2012. december 4.

Prof. Jeno Julow

2012. december 4.

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