Múzeumi Digitalizálási Konferencia: Ivacs Gabriella előadása
Múzeumi Digitalizálási Konferencia: Ivacs Gabriella előadása
The rapid changes in the technology and the requirements of the “network society” make us to reevaluate the current legal environment for access. The Open Access Movement has been fighting for the reform of copyright law for more than a decide. The Creative Commons and the similar alternatives licenses allow the sharing of the current digital contents. A result of the open access efforts for the scientific publishing is the modification of business models, although some experts worrying about the “commodification of cultural goods” are still calling for a more radical copyright law. To make available the cultural goods not only affect the function of the national traditional “memory” institutions but also the pan-European identity thesis, and it also creates an opportunity for SMEs in the European digital market. The foundation of Europeana is an important step, it exposed in many aspects of the copyright law and the access conflicts. The aim of the presentation is to review the responses to this, the problems unsoluted especially in the archives collection.