Removal of pituitary adenoma.

The following are video recordings of  surgical procedures from  the Department of Neurosurgery of Saint John’s Hospital of Budapest. The videos were made to assist with the training of neurosurgery, residents.
Modern optical systems using the Zeiss OPMI 6 microscope with a Contraves elektromagnetic stabilizer stative were used. The Riechert/Mundinger (F. L. Fischer) stereotaxic device and the Karl Storz endoscope were also used. The most significant portions of the procedures lasting only 3-6 minutes were recorded. With regard to quality, it AVI video with 720 x576 pixels and 72 dpi broadcast picture dimension were used. This is a brief overview of the significant portions of the operations and procedures with respect to the patient’s memory and  recall  status as they relate to their anatomical positions. The videos are presented in English and to a lesser degree Hungarian. The surgical portions and simultaneous video recordings and editing are my personal endeavors. Assistance in the preparation of the documents was provided. by Dr. János Hável, Dr. Tibor Kiss, Dr. Árpád Viola, surgical nurse Mária Skublics and assistant surgical nurse Norbert Nagy. For this I owe them  my deepest gratitude for their support and help. 
In 1999, with the aid of the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and a donation from the Japanese goverment we received video equipment consisting of SONY camera, video recorders, monitors, computerized editing equipment Prof. Shigeharu Suzuki, Dr. Islam (Hirosaki) and Prof. Masami Ishii (Iwaki City) provided invaluable instruction.and teaching of  the techniques necessary for the video  recording of neurosurgical procedures
We offer this study as an adjunct to the medical board certification examinations. Those who would benefit most would be residents in  neurosurgery, neurology, anatomy, pathology and radiology. Until this time only the surgical dictation was available to the resident, now the video recording will be the standard . 

Jeno Julow MD DSc, St. John’s Hospital Dept of Neurosurgery and SOTE Neurosurgery by generous and help of Japan International Cooperation Agency

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E-book of neurosurgical video for residents, Brain tumor surgery

Health sciences, Medical sciences, Medicine, Surgery, Neurosurgery

pituitary adenoma, tumor, pituitary gland, intracranial neoplasms, hypophysis daganat, prevalence, basophilic, acidophilic, chromophobic, stains hematoxylin, eosin, hormone, in active hormone, non-functioning tumors, null cell adenomas, lactotrophic adenomas, prolactinomas, type of adenoma, secretion, prolactinomas, somatotrophic adenoma, corticotrophic adenomas, gonadotrophic adenoma, thyrotrophic adenoma, growth hormone, GH, adrenocorticotropic hormone, ACTH, pro-opiomelanocortin, POMC, secrete luteinizing hormone, LH, follicle-stimulating hormone, FSH, do not secrete hormones, galactorrhea, hypogonadism, amenorrhea, infertility, impotence, acromegaly , gigantism, Cushing's disease, hyperthyroidism, hyperpituitarism, hyperpituitarism, visual field defects, bitemporal hemianopia, optic nerve, chiasma, bitemporal hemianopia, craniopharyngioma, pituitary stalk, bitemporal inferior quadrantanopia, abducens nerve, lateral rectus palsy, increased intracranial pressure, progesterone, microadenoma, bromocriptine, CT, MRI, radiation therapy, surgery, trans-sphenoidal adenectomy, endoscopic surgery, transnasal, sphenoid bone, macroadenoma, drugs, through the same nostril, bony floor, endoscopic pituitary surgery, benign slow-growing tumour, pharmacological therapy, general anaesthetic, surgical outcome, endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary adenoma resection, major morbidity, cerebrospinal fluid leak, meningitis, stroke, intracranial haemorrhage, visual loss, conventional surgery, optic nerve damage, cerebrospinal fluid leakage, carotid artery injury, less serious complications, sinusitis, nasal septal perforations, long-term follow-up, patients, median age, macroadenoma, multiple operations, preoperative panhypopituitarism, new hypopituitarism, anterior loss, permanent diabetes insipidus, total hypophysectomy, preoperative hormonal dysfunction, improved function, stalk compression, hyperprolactinemia, anterior axis , hypogonadism, stalk compression, hyperprolactinemia, hypopituitarism, tumor diameter , endocrine-inactive adenoma, intraoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak, hypertension, CONCLUSION, hormonal function, microadenoma, Julow, Jeno Julow , Dr, DSc, med. habil. dr, St. John’s Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery, Budapest, Hungary, h102494jul@ella.hu, h12494jul@t-online.com, julow9@gmail.com, Dr.Julow Jenő Viktor, Szent János Kórház, Szt. János Kórház, neurosurgery, idegsebészet, JICA, video, resident, E-book, St. John Hospital, idegsebészeti osztály, neurosurgical video movies, idegsebészeti video, 脳神経外科, Julow ないジェノサボー オルザグ, 神经外科的视频电影, 住院医师, vídeos de Neurocirugía, enseña a cirugías de cráneo, جراحة الأعصاب وأشرطة الفيديو, يعلم جراحات الجمجمة, Нейрохирургия видео, giải phẫu hộp sọ dạy, ngôn ngữ thiểu số neurosurgical


4 December, 2012

Prof. Jeno Julow

4 December, 2012

<iframe width="480" height="385" src="//videotorium.hu/en/embed/5787" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

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