Message of the emissions trading (deal in clean air)


Message of the emissions trading (deal in clean air)

Here you find the presentation of James Atkins who is the president of Vertis Environmental Finance. He presents the basics of emissions trading, EU ETS and „cap and trade” systems, he also decribes the market failure of the neoliberal economicial policies and the motivations of electricity generation to move to be low-carbon currently based on coal and gas.

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Low-Carbon Economy

Climate change

emisszió, emisszió-kereskedelem, EU ETS, "cap and trade", CO2 kereskedelem, Vertis, Jams Atkins, Szabadegyetem, Szent István Egyetem, villamos energia

Atkins James (lecturer)


27 May, 2011

Sándor Pulai

15 June, 2011

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