Tímea Kókai Nagy: New generations in museums


Tímea Kókai Nagy: New generations in museums

The next big challenge of the cultural sector and museums is to conquer the digitally native young, Generation Z: those who prefer to be entertained by free and easy programmes instead of getting deeper into „boring” art events. The moment has come to create cultural programmes and their communication tailored for Generation Z’s needs, but that requires our thinking to be reshaped. But how?

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Cultural policy, Cultural heritage, Museology, Artefacts, Movable patrimony

múzeum, MUZEUM@DIGIT, kultúra


4 November, 2015

Országos Muzeológiai Módszertani és Információs Központ

9 March, 2016

<iframe width="480" height="385" src="//videotorium.hu/en/embed/12657" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

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