Social sciences

Use and Effects of Technology in New York

kifu Dr. Alfred S. Posamentier 14 years ago - 42:39

Society 2010

kifu Prof. Ing. Dr. Johann Günther 14 years ago - 6:02

Education in the Age of Information Society

kifu Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. Gerhard Ortner 14 years ago - 29:09

If Piracy is the Problem, is DRM the Answer?

kifu Attila Haraszti 14 years ago - 21:05

Constructivist pedagogy, instead of frontal

kifu Bálint Magyar 14 years ago - 23:15

Hybrid Online Clusters: Knowledge Producing and

kifu Dr. László Z. Karvalics 14 years ago - 12:44

Towards the E-Politics, Collaborative Tools and

kifu dr. László Kovács 14 years ago - 23:08

IT does not matter

kifu MAS. Helene Enz 14 years ago - 21:20

Digital Rights Management

kifu István Tóth 14 years ago - 14:21