Physics (1152)
Physical sciences > PhysicsApplied physics (47)
Biophysics (12)
Chemical physics (1)
Classical mechanics (134)
Computational physics (18)
Condensed matter properties (4)
Electromagnetism (180)
Electronics (81)
Mathematical physics (14)
Optics (17)
Quantum mechanics (87)
Relativity (63)
Solid state physics (12)
Statics (3)
Statistical physics (12)
Thermodynamics (4)
Surface physics (1)

High-energy particles as QGP-messengers at RHC and

Experimental investigation of quark-hadron phase

Exotic nuclear excitations and clusterization

JINR-Debrecen, new ideas of collaboration

University center and educational program of JINR

Nuclotron-based Ion Collider Facility (NICA) at

Radiobiology of accelerated heavy ions - the new

Fundamental and applied research using heavy ion

Cooperation Hungary-JINR: history, the present and
D. L. Nagy 15 years ago - 27:11

JINR - look into the future