
Can we trust floating-point numbers?

kifu Paul Zimmermann 15 years ago - 41:27

Main Issues of Computer Mathematics

kifu Henk Barendregt 15 years ago - 46:45

Egy matematikai és geometriai tartalomra

kifu János Katona
Gyula Nagy
15 years ago - 16:39

Konvex testek egyensúlyi morfológia-osztályainak

kifu Prof. Gábor Domokos
Richárd Kápolnai
15 years ago - 11:29

Beyond the Symmetries of Things

kifu Chaim Goodman-Strauss 15 years ago - 57:51

On the Isostructurality of Semirigid Molecules

kifu Alajos Kálmán 15 years ago - 48:39

Molecules: Tiny Objects Linking Arts and Sciences

kifu Dr. Gábor Náray-Szabó 15 years ago - 59:48

Deviation from Identity of Macroscopic Properties

kifu Meir Shinitzky
Yosef Scolnik
U. Cogan
D. Deamer
15 years ago - 1:01:51

Matter and Antimatter

kifu Dr. Dezső Horváth 15 years ago - 59:26