Physical sciences
Neutron optics by Mirrotron
Zs. Ludányi
15 years ago - 21:33
Presentation of ASPECT
Yu. K. Nedachin
15 years ago - 33:23
JINR and special economic zone: Dubna
A. Ruzaev
15 years ago - 26:53
Opening of the session in the National Office for
I. Kovács
15 years ago - 5:03
Amorphus iron formation in swift heavy ion
S. Stichleutner
15 years ago - 23:33
Depth profiling of mechanical stress in Al2O3:Cr
V. A. Skuratov
15 years ago - 18:30
Presentation of the Bogoliubov Laboratory of
V. Voronov
15 years ago - 13:12
Structure research of magnetic colloidal systems
M. V. Avdeev
15 years ago - 28:03
Radioanalytical investigations in FLNP JINR for
M. V. Frontasyeva
15 years ago - 33:53
Theory and evaluation of diffuse resonant photon
L. Deák
15 years ago - 25:59
Transverse and longitudinal momentum spectra of
V. Skokov
15 years ago - 21:27
High-energy particles as QGP-messengers at RHC and
Dr. Péter Lévai
15 years ago - 22:49