Information science

Information science (1623)

Humanities > Information science

OSZK IKR-bemutató, a Monguz Qulto-rendszere

László Kármán 9 years ago - 30:49

Library Systems in the XXI. century

Miklós Lendvay 9 years ago - 10:46

The AgroFE Leonardo Project

9 years ago - 17:19

Discussion of the presentments

szte Sándor Gyula Molnár
Tamás Vinkó
Róbert Péter
9 years ago - 25:50

Discussion of the presentments

szte Dr. István Monok
Dr. Károly Kokas
PhD. Veronika Vincze
9 years ago - 48:22

Discussion of the presentments

szte Gábor Berend
PhD. Zsolt Hunyadi
Miklós Latzkovits
9 years ago - 44:54

Inscriptiones Alborum Amicorum

szte Miklós Latzkovits
dr. Csaba Maczelka
Zorán Mándity
9 years ago - 18:38

Content analysis and data mining in national full

szte Sándor Gyula Molnár 9 years ago - 26:27

Modelling with networks

szte Tamás Vinkó 9 years ago - 29:53

Medieval warrants in the virtual space

szte PhD. Zsolt Hunyadi 9 years ago - 18:30